Saturday, September 21, 2019

Administrasi Berbagi Sumber Daya Jaringan (sharing Resource Dalam Jaringan)

  • Sharing Resources & Keamanan Jaringan

    Muhammad Adi Hamdani XII-TKJ 2 Sistem Operasi Jaringan.
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  • Cara Sharing Data Di Jaringan Komputer

    tutorial ini akan menjelaskan. Langkah-langkah untuk konfigurasi Jaringan dasar, untuk menghubungkan komputer dengan menggunakan jaringan wifi.
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  • Opening Keynote (Cloud Next '19)

    Sundar Pichai, CEO, Google, 0:20 Eyal Manor, VP, Engineering, Anthos, 12:20 David Goeckeler, EVP and General Manager, Networking and Security Business, ...
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  • Revolution OS [Subs] [HD]

    Revolution OS is a 2001 documentary which tells the history of GNU, Linux, and the open source and free software movements that accompanied it. The story is ...
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  • The Vietnam War: Reasons for Failure - Why the U.S. Lost

    In the post-war era, Americans struggled to absorb the lessons of the military intervention. About the book: ...
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  • 867-3 Save Our Earth Conference 2009, Multi-subtitles

    EdenRules/?????V??? ??? ??ng : ??ubscribe/???/??ng K? : At this ...
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  • The War on Drugs Is a Failure

    The War on Drugs is a campaign of prohibition and foreign military aid and military intervention being undertaken by the United States government, with the ...
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  • 2013 State of the Union Address: Speech by President Barack Obama (Enhanced Verison)

    The 2013 State of the Union Address was a speech scheduled to be given by President Barack Obama on Tuesday, February 12, 2013, in the chamber of the ...
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